To view the basic data from the latest walk, click here (doc); or here (pdf); or here (htm).
After each walk (usually on Wednesdays, as of 2025), Alan files a "walk report" listing all the birds that were seen on the walk. He also includes the people that walked, the temperature, and how the walk went that day. This section holds the most current report.

Along with the walk reports every week, two plots of bird species observed versus time are updated. One of these (birds_time) shows the number seen versus time from 1987 to the present. The other (birds_epoch) shows the same data but on a one-year timescale with all yearly time plots superimposed on each other.

This section is filled with all the past walk reports. They are all kept to see trends over the years in the birds sighted by the group.
Number of times observed
The above link takes you to 6 plots of 30 birds each showing the number of times each species was observed by week number over the period 1986-2024.
Probability of observation by year
The above link takes you to 6 plots of 30 birds each showing the probability that a species was observed during the year over the period 1987-2024.
Estimated probability of observation for 2025 by week number
The above link takes you to 6 plots of 30 birds each showing the probability that a species will be observed in 2025 for each week. The probabilities are based on data from 2017-2024.
This section contains 4 plots. The first is a plot showing the number observed in 2025 by week number, and the maximum, minimum, and median numbers observed by week number. The second plot shows the scores for the walks in 2025, which is the number of standard deviations away from the average for all the walks held during that week from 1987 to present. The third plot shows the yearly ranking, which is the average over the year of the weekly walk scores. The fourth plot shows cumulative unique species observed by year.
This Excel workbook contains the raw data collected on the walks organized by year.